Sunday, June 21, 2009

Finalmente, Un Giorno di Siesta!!!!

Ahhh... finally a day of rest! I just woke up and it's 11am here, the first time I've slept past 7 in two weeks. I really needed the rest too. After yesterday I was just exhausted. The program alows Sunday to be a day of rest while here in Cortona... I believe the idea is to encourage studio time but seeing as how I'm caught up on all my projects in my two studio classes I have decided to reorder my life today. Everyone who knows me well can account for the fact that I'm messy. Not necessarily messy with my physical possessions (although that comes into play often) but messy with my life. I forget everything; where I put stuff, what I was supposed to do at a certain time, whether or not I put makeup on, how much money I have, when I have run out of clean underwear.... the list is endless. When I'm home, every once and a while I'll have to have a day or reordering everything. So I've declared this my day to remember everything. I'm going to do laundry, I'm going to go for a good long run, I'm going to take clothes to the drdycleaner, I'm going to go grocery shopping, I'm going to study Italian seeing as how I haven't even opened the book yet, and I'm going to organize my room (haha mom and dad would love to se how quickly my room became chaos) But I figured I'd catch up on the blog first. 

So Thursday night I went out with everyone for Jacob's birthday. Jacob is kind of like our RA. He lives in the dorms with us but he already has his bachelors in sculpture. He is in charge of making sure we don't burn down the place haha. So he turned 27 and proposed a WHITE party.... so not a good idea in Italy where everyone drinks red wine.... I wore this amazingly cute new skirt of mine that is white of course and got red wine on it... two days later I still haven't gotten the stain out... any advice??? 
It was a really fun night though. We went to a bar in the middle of Cortona right after dinner around nine... I was headed home by eleven haha... I'm like an old lady. But I had fun while I was out... took a lot of great pics of everyone and then climbed about a half mile up a super steep hill back to the dorm. Not such an easy feat after four glasses of wine... haha. So then Friday I made another book!!! This might sound so nerdy to you all but I actually made a cover for it... out of fabric and cover board... It looks like a real book... like one you would buy.. haha ok that does sound retarded but I was super excited about it. I was still recovering from Thursday night all day so I didn't do anything too exciting that evening. Saturday is our field trip day. We do day trips to other cities around Italy. Yesterday we went to Orvietto and can I just say... it was the worst day I've had in Italy so far... It was a beautiful city with this beautiful cathedral.
 It had thousands of underground tunnels and caves from back in the Etruscan ages that we got to tour. We saw underground Kilns, pigeon coups, wells, cisterns, and places where they made olive oil. They eat pigeons there... still! Ceramics was highly celebrated in this city so there were many shops and museums to look at... One museum we went to had access to one of the underground Kilns and the pottery on display was recovered from underneath that building in tunnels that we were able to walk through. It was pretty awesome. So the morning was great. First we toured the church, then the ceramics museum, then the tunnels, and as we are coming out of the tunnels.... it starts pouring!!! It was NOT just a sprinkle and of course i didn't bring a rain coat or an umbrella. So I had to run through the rain to get to a dry place. By the time I got to a covered area every part of me was drenched. I was wearing a sweater and jeans so it just soaked it up. My pants were so heavy that they were falling off and I was carrying a bag full of valuable objects including my camera, ipod, cell phone, my favorite bible, and my journal with EVERYTHING in it. I opened the bag and the bible was soaked, the journal was a little wet, the ipod and phone were ok, and the camera had a few drops on it but I wiped them off and everything seemed to work ok. But now the bag was soaked and I couldn't put everything back in. I cried about the Bible because it's the only one I have here. Everyone I was with wanted to run through the rain more and go shopping.... I couldn't understand why they would want to do that. How was I supposed to continue running through the rain like this? One girl offered to keep the camera and ipod in her bag underneath her rain coat. So I gave it to her and then we ran some more... I couldn't not go with them because then I'd be lost and alone in a rain storm in a random city. So finally I found a store with an umbrella. I went in and got plastic bags to wrap everything in and put them in my bag then I went outside and it had stopped. I was so pissed. haha... now looking back I'm thinking "Lord you were testing me... and I failed" Me of little faith... So finally I found a little court yard thing where I could lay everything out including myself to dry off in the sun. I laid there for about 1 1/2 hours till the busses came.... my jeans dried a little and my sweater dried mostly. I had laid the bible out and I could tell it was going to be ok. I had an awful headache. Then we went to get on the train to take us to the busses and they wouldn't let me use my pass because it had gotten wet in the rain... of course I couldn't plead with them because I didn't know enough italian. Jacob came and saved me with his italian eventually but I was so defeated. I was so ready to get back to Cortona. I made myself dinner and then read for the rest of the night just attempting to mentally recover from the stress of the day. haha Maybe next Saturday will be better. 

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